1 min read

Setting up a blog using R

Setting up your own blog is very easy using Rstudio and blogdown

Steps in setting up this site

  1. Install blogdown - devtools::install_github(‘rstudio/blogdown’)
  2. For first site, install hugo - blogdown::install_hugo()
  3. blogdown::hugo_build()
  4. create site blogdown::new_site()
  5. modify links in config.toml
  6. create account on https://www.netlify.com/
  7. upload public folder <<<<<<< HEAD
  8. optional: used netlify DNS to point to a custom domain (I use namecheap)
  9. optional: built site directly from github CI details

  10. optional: use netlify DNS to point to a custom domain (I use namecheap)
  11. optional: build site directly from github CI details >>>>>>> 79d5b350aeb874253efb75ff44e76bf27b0d8b31